Glasgow Tribunals Centre


Two tier structure

The tribunal system in Scotland is currently being modernised to create a unified 2-tier structure.

The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland deals with first instance decisions. These are cases heard at a tribunal for the first time.

The Upper Tribunal primarily hears cases that are appealed from the First-tier Tribunal.

From the Upper Tribunal, any appeal hearing would go to the Court of Session.

Each devolved tribunal is undergoing a transition into the new system, and the diagram below shows the structure of those that have transferred so far.




Tribunal member types

There are a number of different tribunal member types.

President of Scottish Tribunals

The President is the senior member of the Scottish Tribunals and is assigned to their position by the Lord President. The current President of Scottish Tribunals is The Hon Lady Wise

You can watch an interview with the former President Lord Woolman where he discusses the Scottish tribunals and other matters including his career path.

Chamber president

The chamber presidents are responsible for the arrangement of business within their chamber. Each chamber president has expertise and experience in the jurisdictions over which they preside. 


Members of court judiciary can be assigned to a tribunal when appropriate.


These are legally qualified members.


These are non-legally qualified members and are generally people with a specific area of expertise, for example chartered surveyors, accountants and teachers.


Structure for Scottish Tribunals



The Lord President is the Head of the Scottish Tribunals and he assigns a Court of Session judge as president of the Scottish Tribunals.

Other tribunal appointments are the responsibility of the Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland (JABS).  Recommendations for appointment are made by JABS to the Scottish ministers.


The tribunals that have transferred into the new structure continue to receive induction and specialist training within their jurisdictions, within a quality assurance framework led by the Judicial Institute. Additionally, the Judicial Institute provides cross-jurisdictional training in judicial skills.

Links to the tribunal chambers

For more information see the tribunal chamber websites.

Housing & Property Chamber

Health & Education Chamber

General Regulatory Chamber

Tax Chamber

Social Security Chamber

Upper Tribunal for Scotland


Annual reports

Scottish Tribunals Annual Report 2022-2023


For more information, see the Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014.   



Complaints about the personal conduct of Scottish tribunal members inside or outside of a hearing can be made to the Judicial Office for Scotland.