the media



If you have a media enquiry in relation to the Scottish judiciary, please email judicial communications or phone 0131 240 6840 during working hours. For urgent, out of hours enquiries, please ring 07827882042. For other queries in relation to courts, jury service and legal advice, please see the contacts page.

Case information

The following case information is available on the Scottish Courts and Tribunals website:

Registered journalists can also access further case details on the online media portal. For information on how to register contact SCTS communications.

For media access to virtual hearings, please identify the case you are interested in from the court rolls and, providing as much detail as possible, email a request to the online hearings inbox

For direction on which justice organisation to contact and what information is available in relation to cases at different stages of the justice system, a media guide for bona fide journalists is available on request by emailing judicial communications.



If you wish to apply to record and broadcast court proceedings, read the Broadcast Protocol and complete the appropriate application form found on our publications page.


Open Justice

The Scottish justice system has a longstanding commitment to open justice, ensuring that justice is not only done, but seen to be done.

The public and the media are embracing technology in an ever-increasing way which influences how open justice can be carried out. We have recently introduced livestreaming of significant civil appeals which has been well received.

In order to explore further opportunities and gather views on the further developments in open justice in Scotland, representatives of the judiciary, media, academics, communications specialists, members of the legal profession and senior staff in SCTS were invited to a judicially led event on 22 April 2024 in Parliament House, Edinburgh.

report published following the event captures the key areas of discussion at the event, outlines initial actions and a way forward in response to the points raised.



We issue tweets when publishing sentencing statements; judgment or FAI summaries; and news items. Follow us on @judgesscotland.

Read our Twitter Policy 


Educational material

Educational material is available in relation to Scottish judges; court procedures; and sentencing.


Judicial Independence

Read about Judicial Independence.


Outwith Court

Judges do not make public comment on individual cases outwith the court as all cases must be heard and decided upon based only on the material placed before the judge in court.