computer writing


In accordance with certain Rules, complaints can be made within 3 months to the Judicial Office for Scotland about the personal conduct of Scottish tribunal members inside or outside of a hearing.

This includes legal and ordinary members of the:

  • General Regulatory Chamber
  • Housing and Property Chamber
  • Health and Education Chamber 
  • Local Taxation Chamber
  • Social Security Chamber
  • Tax Chamber
  • Upper Tribunal for Scotland.

The Judicial Office cannot deal with complaints about tribunal decisions made by tribunal members, or the way cases have been handled. The usual way challenge a decision is to appeal. If you are considering appealing a judicial decision, it is recommended that you get legal advice from a solicitor or Citizens Advice Scotland.

To Make a Complaint

If you wish to make a complaint, see the following guidance and contact details.

Contact Details

Judicial Office for Scotland
Parliament House

The rules and guidance above provide more detail, but you should note that your complaint must be in writing and clearly state:

  • your name and address
  • the name of the tribunal member, or sufficient information to identify them
  • where appropriate, the hearing venue, and the date of the hearing
  • specific details about the grounds of the complaint.

You must include copies of all the documents that you have that you are relying on to support your complaint.

Your complaint should be made as soon as possible, but no later than 3 months after the incident your complaint relates to. If the case or appeal is ongoing, the complaint may not be considered until the case has concluded, but you should still make your complaint in time. Extensions are given only in exceptional circumstances.

Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland


The President of the Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland (MHTS) has appointed the Judicial Office for Scotland to handle complaints made against members of the Tribunal. 


Further information can be found on the MHTS website


Pensions Appeal Tribunal


The President of the Pensions Appeal Tribunal Scotland (PATS) has appointed the Judicial Office for Scotland to handle complaints made against members of the Tribunal.


Further information can be found on the PATS website.


Reports on Complaints

The Judicial Office for Scotland publishes statistics regarding the number of complaints received under the Complaints About Members of the Scottish Tribunals Rules. See the reports.


Privacy Notice

Read the privacy notice for information about how we handle personal data. 


Other Complaints

Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) 
If you wish to make a complaint regarding tribunal staff, or the SCTS, see the SCTS website.


All complaints against legal practitioners should be sent to the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission. They act as a single point of contact and will advise you on the next step. For further detail, see the Scottish Legal Complaints website.