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The independence of the judiciary is essential to safeguard people’s rights under law - enabling judges to make decisions impartially based solely on evidence and law, without interference or influence from the government or politicians.

When deciding a sentence, a judge must deal with the offence that the offender has been convicted of, taking into account the unique circumstances of each particular case. The judge will carefully consider the facts that are presented to the Court by both the prosecution and by the defence.

For more information about how judges decide sentences; what sentences are available; and matters such as temporary release, see the independent Scottish Sentencing Council website.

Read more about victims of crime and sentencing.

Read more about civil judgments.

HMA v Broomhall Ltd

Jun 5, 2023

At Perth Sheriff Court today, Sheriff WM Wood fined Broomhall Ltd £27,000, after the company pled guilty to failing to ensure the safety of its employees after a member of staff was severely injured by a forklift truck.

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HMA v Ethan McDade

Jun 2, 2023

At the High Court in Edinburgh, Lord Clark sentenced Ethan McDade to 3 years in custody after the offender was found guilty of rape.

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HMA v Lewis McGuiness

Jun 2, 2023

At the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh today, Lord Doherty sentenced Lewis McGuiness to an extended sentence of 10 years’ imprisonment, with a custodial part of 7 years and an extension period of 3 years.

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HMA v Darren Morrison

May 25, 2023

At Glasgow Sheriff Court today, Sheriff Joan Kerr sentenced Darren Morrison to 2 years imprisonment after he was convicted of causing serious injury by dangerous driving. The offender was also disqualified from driving for 8 years and ordered to sit an extended test before driving again.

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HMA v Rhys Bennett

May 24, 2023

At the High Court in Edinburgh today, Lord Arthurson sentenced Rhys Bennett to life imprisonment after the offender pled guilty to the rape and murder of Jill Barclay. Lord Arthurson set the punishment part at 24 years, this is the number of years someone must serve before they can be considered for release on life licence.

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HMA v James Gordon

May 17, 2023

At the High Court in Glasgow, Lord Matthews sentenced James Gordon to 12 years imprisonment after the offender was convicted of 15 charges against three girls, including rape, attempted rape and sexual assault.

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HMA v Thomas Fullerton

May 17, 2023

At the High Court in Glasgow today, Lord Matthews sentenced Thomas Fullerton to 7 years and 6 months imprisonment after the offender pled guilty to attempted murder

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HMA V Daniel Langman

May 15, 2023

At the High Court in Glasgow today, Lord Fairley sentenced Daniel Langman to life imprisonment after the offender was convicted of murder. Lord Fairley set the punishment part at 17 years and six months. This is the minimum period the offender will spend in prison before they can apply for parole.

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HMA v Ethan Tyler Cruz

May 12, 2023

At the High Court in Glasgow yesterday, Lord Summers imposed an Order for Lifelong Restriction, with a punishment part of 4 years imprisonment, on Ethan Tyler Cruz. This was after the offender was convicted of causing injury to the danger of life to two women.

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HMA v Tigh-Na-Muirn Ltd

May 10, 2023

At Dundee Sheriff Court today, Sheriff Jillian Martin-Brown fined Tigh-Na-Muirn Limited £20,000, after the company pled guilty to a breach of Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 following the death of a resident at a retirement home in Monifieth.

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HMA v Lewis Brodie

May 9, 2023

At the High Court in Edinburgh, Lord Ericht sentenced Lewis Brodie to 8 years imprisonment after the offender was convicted of three charges of rape.

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HMA v Robert Ross and Edward Wilson

May 5, 2023

At the High Court in Glasgow today, Lord Matthews sentenced Robert Ross to 8 years in prison after the offender pled guilty to being concerned in the supply of drugs and directing others in the supply of drugs. Lord Matthews further sentenced Edward Wilson to 4 years' imprisonment for being concerned in the supply of of diamorphine.

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HMA v Gavin Donaldson

Apr 27, 2023

At Edinburgh Sheriff Court today, Sheriff Douglas Keir sentenced Gavin Donaldson to 14 months imprisonment after he pled guilty to attempting to pervert the course of justice.

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HMA v Graham David Smith

Apr 26, 2023

At the High Court in Edinburgh today, Lord Arthurson sentenced Graham David Smith to 3 years imprisonment after he pled guilty to causing death by dangerous driving. He was also disqualified from driving for 6 years and 6 months.

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HMA v Kieran Maule, Dylan Patrick and Aaron Henderson

Apr 25, 2023

In the High Court at Edinburgh today, Lord Arthurson imposed sentences on Kieran Maule, Dylan Patrick and Aaron Henderson after they were convicted of attempted murder, assault to severe injury, permanent disfigurement and danger of life. Kieron Maule and Aaron Henderson were sentenced to 5 years and 6 months. Dylan Patrick had a sentence imposed of 7 years and 6 months.

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HMA v James Torbett

Apr 25, 2023

At the High Court in Inverness today, Judge Andrew Cubie sentenced James Torbett to 3 years imprisonment after the offender was found guilty of sexual offences against a child.

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HMA v James Curran

Apr 21, 2023

At the High Court in Edinburgh today, Lord Doherty sentenced James Curran to 3 years and 4 months imprisonment after the offender pled guilty to having three improvised explosive devices. The sentence also includes a 12 month supervised release order.

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HMA v Alix McIntyre

Apr 19, 2023

At the High Court in Glasgow today, Lord Arthurson sentenced Alix McIntyre to 3 years and 8 months imprisonment after she pled guilty to assault to severe injury and the danger of life.

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HMA v Colin Bouglas

Apr 19, 2023

At the High Court in Livingston today, Judge Susan Craig imposed an extended sentence of 19 years imprisonment on Colin Bouglas after the offender was convicted of sex crimes against children between 1984 and 2019. The extended sentence comprises a custodial term of 14 years with an extension period of 5 years.

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HMA v Barry Ingleson

Apr 18, 2023

At Glasgow High Court today, Lord Arthurson imposed an extended sentence of 18 years imprisonment on Barry Ingleson after the offender was found guilty of multiple rapes and assaults over an 11 year period. The custodial term was set at 14 years, with a 4 year extension.

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