A judge may decide to publish a statement after passing sentence on an offender in cases where there is particular public interest; where a case has legal significance; or where providing the reasons for the decision might assist public understanding.

Please note that statements may include graphic details of offences when it is necessary to fully explain the reasons behind a sentencing decision.  

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The independence of the judiciary is essential to safeguard people’s rights under law - enabling judges to make decisions impartially based solely on evidence and law, without interference or influence from the government or politicians.

When deciding a sentence, a judge must deal with the offence that the offender has been convicted of, taking into account the unique circumstances of each particular case. The judge will carefully consider the facts that are presented to the Court by both the prosecution and by the defence.

For more information about how judges decide sentences; what sentences are available; and matters such as temporary release, see the independent Scottish Sentencing Council website.

Read more about victims of crime and sentencing.

Read more about civil judgments.

HMA v Matthew Watson

Jan 17, 2022

At the High Court in Edinburgh, Lord Richardson imposed an extended sentence of 13 years on Matthew Watson after the offender was found guilty of 5 charges and pled guilty to a further 13 charges of the sexual abuse of 10 young women.

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HMA v Peter Antonelli

Dec 23, 2021

At the High Court in Edinburgh on 22 December, Judge Gilchrist sentenced Peter Antonelli to eight years’ imprisonment after the offender was found guilty of sexual abuse.

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HMA v Garry John Martin

Dec 21, 2021

At Glasgow High Court, Lord Arthurson imposed an extended sentence of 14 years and a determinate sentence of four years imprisonment on Garry John Martin, after the offender was found guilty of 19 charges involving violent and sexual offending against nine complainers spanning almost three decades. The sentences will run consecutively.

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HMA v Raymond Alexander Anderson

Dec 8, 2021

At the High Court in Edinburgh today Lady Poole sentenced Raymond Anderson to seven years' imprisonment after the offender was convicted of rape.

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HMA v Andrew Brannan

Dec 8, 2021

Today at the High Court in Edinburgh Lord Braid sentenced Andrew Brannan to seven years’ imprisonment after the offender was found guilty of rape.

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HMA v Phillip Hendry

Nov 26, 2021

At the High Court at Glasgow, Judge McCormick sentenced Phillip Hendry to an Order for Lifelong Restriction after the offender pled guilty to sexually assaulting a woman he met on social media.

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Ednilson do Rosario de Ceita

Nov 26, 2021

At the High Court in Edinburgh today Lord Beckett sentenced Ednilson do Rosario de Ceita to 6 years imprisonment and disqualified him from driving for 9 years after the offender was found guilty of causing death by dangerous driving.

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PF v BP Exploration Operating Company (‘BP’)

Nov 25, 2021

At Aberdeen Sheriff Court today Sheriff Graeme Napier imposed a fine of £7000 on BP Exploration Operating Company (‘BP’) after the accused company pleaded guilty to having committed a contravention of the Offshore Petroleum Activities (Oil Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations 2005 and the Pollution Control Act 1996.

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PF V Stan England Builders Limited

Nov 25, 2021

At Aberdeen Sheriff Court today, Sheriff Graeme Napier fined Stan England Builders Limited £6,000 after the company pleaded guilty to breaching Health and Safety working at height regulations.

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HMA v Enva Scotland Ltd.

Nov 25, 2021

At Paisley Sheriff Court today Sheriff Pettigrew imposed a fine of £264,000 on Enva Scotland Ltd after it pleaded guilty to a contravention of the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 , in particular to failing to ensure the provision of such information, instruction and training as was necessary to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable , the health and safety at work of its employees. As a consequence of the Company’s failings, Mr. Kane, a plant supervisor, sustained fatal injuries.

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HMA v Garry McDonald

Nov 24, 2021

At the High Court at Edinburgh today, Lord Boyd sentenced Garry McDonald to an extended sentence of 12 years after the offender was found guilty of rape and other offences. The custodial part of the sentence is 10 years with 2 years extended.

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HMA v Lorna Middleton

Nov 17, 2021

At the High Court in Glasgow today Lord Clark sentenced Lorna Middleton to life imprisonment after the offender was found guilty of murdering her husband.

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HMA v Nathan Chung

Nov 17, 2021

At the High Court in Edinburgh today, Lord Boyd sentenced Nathan Chung to four years’ imprisonment after the offender was convicted of repeatedly raping a young woman.

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HMA v SAICA Natur UK Limited

Nov 16, 2021

At Airdrie Sheriff Court today, Sheriff Thomson fined SAICA Natur UK Limited £20,000 after the company pled guilty to a breach of regulation 23 of the Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Regulations 2007

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HMA v Greater Glasgow Health Board

Nov 12, 2021

At Glasgow Sheriff Court today, Sheriff Principal Craig Turnbull fined the Greater Glasgow Health Board £200,000 following a guilty plea to a breach of the health and safety at work legislation.

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HMA v Connor Murray

Nov 10, 2021

At the High Court in Aberdeen Lord Richardson imposed an extended sentence of 10 years on Connor Murray after the offender was found guilty of the sexual abuse of six young women.

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HMA V Derek McNeill

Nov 10, 2021

At the High Court sitting in Livingston today, Lord Weir sentenced Derek McNeill to an Order for Life Long Restriction after the offender was found guilty of cruelty to a child.

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HMA v Gary Morris

Nov 8, 2021

At the High Court in Dundee, Lord Summers sentenced Gary Morris to 9 years and 4 months imprisonment after the offender pled guilty to being concerned in the supply of Class A Drug, contrary to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.

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HMA v Michael Murphy

Nov 4, 2021

At the High Court at Edinburgh today Lady Carmichael sentenced Michael Murphy to seven years’ imprisonment after the offender was found guilty of sexual and physical assaults.

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HMA v Patrick Columb

Nov 4, 2021

At the High Court in Edinburgh today, Lady Carmichael sentenced Patrick Columb to life imprisonment after the offender was convicted of murder. The punishment part was set at 15 years.

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