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The independence of the judiciary is essential to safeguard people’s rights under law - enabling judges to make decisions impartially based solely on evidence and law, without interference or influence from the government or politicians.

When deciding a sentence, a judge must deal with the offence that the offender has been convicted of, taking into account the unique circumstances of each particular case. The judge will carefully consider the facts that are presented to the Court by both the prosecution and by the defence.

For more information about how judges decide sentences; what sentences are available; and matters such as temporary release, see the independent Scottish Sentencing Council website.

Read more about victims of crime and sentencing.

Read more about civil judgments.

HMA v Andrew Evan McCarry

Feb 24, 2021

At Glasgow High Court today Lord Arthurson sentenced Andrew Evan McCarry to 5 years imprisonment after the accused pleaded guilty to assault to injury and danger of life and attempting to defeat the ends of justice.

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HMA V Simon Bowes-Lyon

Feb 23, 2021

At Dundee Sheriff Court today Sheriff Carmichael sentenced Simon Bowes-Lyon to 10 months imprisonment after the accused pleaded guilty to a serious sexual assault.

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HMA v George Taylor

Feb 18, 2021

At the High Court in Glasgow today Lord Arthurson sentenced George Taylor to 9 years imprisonment after the accused was found guilty of two charges of rape.

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HMA v Roman Frackiewicz

Feb 18, 2021

At the High Court in Aberdeen today Lord Braid imposed a life sentence with a punishment part of 19 years on Roman Frackiewicz after the accused was found guilty of murder.

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HMA v Dean Wright

Feb 11, 2021

At the High Court in Glasgow today Lord Arthurson sentenced Dean Wright to life imprisonment after the offender was found guilty of murder and attempted murder.

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HMA v Paul Davidson

Feb 11, 2021

At the High Court in Edinburgh today Lord Boyd of Duncansby imposed an extended sentence of 7 years with a custodial part of 5 years on Paul Davidson after the accused pleaded guilty to a brutal, sustained assault.

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HMA v John Farrell

Feb 5, 2021

At the High Court in Edinburgh today Lord Beckett imposed an Order for Lifelong Restriction with a punishment part of 2 years and 11 months on John Farrell after the accused pleaded guilty to 10 charges involving robbery and threatening behaviour.

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HMA v Cameron House Resort (Loch Lomond) Limited

Jan 29, 2021

At Dumbarton Sheriff Court today, Sheriff William Gallacher imposed a £500,000 fine after Cameron House Resort (Loch Lomond) Limited pleaded guilty to two separate offences in terms of the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005.

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HMA v Jean Ozan

Jan 27, 2021

At Dundee Sheriff Court today Sheriff Jillian Martin-Brown sentenced Jean Ozan to a Community Payback Order after the offender pleaded guilty to causing serious injury by dangerous driving.

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HMA v Robert Ferrier

Jan 19, 2021

At the High Court in Glasgow today, Lord Arthurson sentenced Robert Ferrier to an extended sentence of 10 years after the offender was found guilty of raping a 14-year-old girl on a railway platform.

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HMA v Allan Rotchford

Jan 19, 2021

At the High Court in Glasgow today, Lord Fairley sentenced Allan Rotchford to an Order for Lifelong Restriction after the offender was found guilty of rape; indecent assaults and extortion.

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HMA v Craig McCarroll

Jan 18, 2021

At the High Court in Glasgow today, Lord Matthews sentenced Craig McCarroll to imprisonment for 8 years and 3 months after the offender pleaded guilty to the culpable homicide of Thomas Nelson.

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HMA v Marius Bauba

Jan 12, 2021

At the High Court in Glasgow today Lord Matthews sentenced Marius Bauba to 9 years imprisonment after the accused pleaded guilty to culpable homicide.

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HMA v Gabrielle Friel

Jan 12, 2021

At the High Court in Edinburgh today, Lord Beckett sentenced Gabrielle Friel to an extended sentence of 15 years, with a custodial part of 10 years, after the offender was found guilty of possessing weapons for the purposes of terrorism.

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HMA v Stephen Robbins

Jan 6, 2021

At the High Court in Edinburgh today Lady Scott sentenced Stephen Robbins to 20 months imprisonment after the accused pleaded guilty to culpable homicide.

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HMA v Xiao Ya Chen

Dec 23, 2020

At the High Court in Edinburgh today, Lord Boyd of Duncansby sentenced Xiao Ya Chen to 3 years 4 months imprisonment after the offender pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of Ecstasy and cannabis.

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HMA v Stephen Coffey

Dec 17, 2020

At the High Court in Edinburgh yesterday, Lord Uist sentenced Stephen Coffey to 7 years and 6 months imprisonment after the offender was found guilty of two charges of rape.

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HMA v Lee Barry Thomson

Dec 11, 2020

At the High Court in Edinburgh today Lord Uist imposed an order for lifelong restriction on Lee Barry Thomson with a punishment part of 6 years after he was found guilty of charges of rape, sexual assault with penetration, physical assault and stalking involving the use of covert audio and video recording devices.

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HMA v Jack John Bradbury

Dec 11, 2020

At the High Court in Glasgow today Lord Braid imposed a community payback order with a requirement to perform 300 hours of unpaid work on Jack John Bradbury after the accused pleaded guilty to causing death by driving without due care and attention. He was also disqualified from driving for 5 years.

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HMA v Peter Muir

Dec 10, 2020

At the High Court in Edinburgh today Lord Boyd imposed an extended sentence of 7 years with a custodial part of 5 years on Peter Muir after the accused was found guilty of 2 charges of rape and 2 charges of unlawful sexual intercourse.

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