Read our latest news including judicial speeches, consultations and consultation responses.
Published speeches reflect the individual judicial office holder's personal views, unless otherwise stated.

Summary Sheriffs Appointed
Sep 17, 2020
Two summary sheriffs have been appointed to a role created as part of major reform of Scotland’s courts.

Queen's Counsel Appointments
Sep 15, 2020
Ten new Queen’s Counsel have been appointed by Her Majesty the Queen on the recommendation of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

New appointments to Sheriff Appeal Court
Sep 3, 2020
A new Vice President and 4 new sheriffs have been appointed to the Sheriff Appeal Court.

Prisoner fails in bid for conduct assessment
Sep 2, 2020
Lord Braid has ruled that a prisoner serving an OLR has failed to compel Scottish Ministers to carry out a “community facing risk assessment” to increase his chances of release.

New sheriffs and summary sheriffs appointed
Aug 28, 2020
A number of new sheriffs and summary sheriffs have been appointed.

Lady Smith is stepping down as Tribunals President
Aug 21, 2020
After six years as President of the Scottish Tribunals, Lady Smith is stepping down from the role.

Scottish Public Law Speech
Aug 21, 2020
The Lord President, Lord Carloway, delivered a key note speech yesterday at a Scottish Public Law Group webinar.

Remote jury centres announced
Aug 14, 2020
The Lord Justice General, Lord Carloway, announced today that jury centres will be established outwith the court estate.

Restarting Jury Trials: Information for Practitioners
Aug 11, 2020
The Judicial Institute for Scotland has published a new resource to aid practitioners appearing or instructing in solemn trials in the High Court from July 2020.

First jury trial since lockdown
Jul 22, 2020
The first jury trial in Scotland since lockdown ran smoothly this week making use of digital technology to support a remote jury.

New Preliminary Hearings Bench Book published
Jul 22, 2020
Today marks the publication of a new Preliminary Hearings Bench Book.

The end of an era for Inverness castle
Jul 21, 2020
GH&I Sheriff Principal Derek Pyle handed over the keys of Inverness castle yesterday, closing the door on more than 180 years as the sheriff courthouse for Inverness.

High Court trials to restart in new format
Jul 17, 2020
High Court trials will restart on 20 July in Edinburgh and 21 July in Glasgow in new formats designed to ensure a safe and secure process for all involved.

Jury trials working group
Jul 14, 2020
The Lord Justice General has established a short-term working group to consider the practicalities of recommencing trials by jury as and when public health guidelines permit such a move.

Lord Braid installed as new judge
Jun 23, 2020
Peter Braid was today, 23 June 2020, installed as a senator of the College of Justice at a ceremony held in Parliament House, Edinburgh, where social distancing was observed.

The Future of the Scottish Courts and Tribunals
Jun 19, 2020
The Lord President, Lord Carloway, today issued a statement on the impact of the Coronavirus situation upon Scotland's courts and tribunals.

First steps in re-starting jury trials
May 26, 2020
The Lord Justice Clerk set out the first steps to restart jury trials in Scotland.

Public access to High Court appeal cases
May 12, 2020
Virtual cases calling in the High Court of Appeal can now be accessed by the public.

Public access - Court of Session Inner House appeals
Apr 24, 2020
Following the hearing of several cases by remote link this week, interested members of the public may now dial-in to listen to Court of Session Inner House appeals.