To assist with jury trials in the High Court, eight sheriffs have been appointed by the Scottish Ministers to act as temporary judges from 1 August 2021.
The death of His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh
Apr 9, 2021
The Lord President, Lord Carloway, has today sent condolences to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth on behalf of the judiciary in Scotland. Guidance will follow on any alterations to court and tribunal business during this period.
A cross-justice conference held this week brought together prosecutors and defence lawyers in a bid to improve the way summary criminal cases are handled in Scottish courts.
A cross-justice Review Group has recommended that a new, national specialist Court with trauma-informed procedures be created to deal with serious sexual offence cases.
A virtual conference is to provide a forum for discussion amongst interested parties about how civil business might be conducted once the pandemic is over.
The Lord Justice General invites applications by advocates and solicitor advocates seeking recommendation for appointment as Queen’s Counsel in Scotland.
Bruce Erroch, QC, has been appointed to the office of sheriff in the Sheriffdom of North Strathclyde, based at Paisley Sheriff Court and will take up office on 1 May.