Read our latest news including judicial speeches, consultations and consultation responses. 

Published speeches reflect the individual judicial office holder's personal views, unless otherwise stated.


Scottish Civil Justice Council appointments

Feb 22, 2023

Three new members have been appointed to the Scottish Civil Justice Council for a three-year term. These appointments fill two vacancies for practising solicitor members to the Council and one Lord President member (Judge).

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Lord Duthie installed as Chair of Scottish Land Court

Feb 16, 2023

The new Chair of the Scottish Land Court has been installed at a ceremony in George House, Edinburgh.

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New Chair and Vice-Chair of the Judicial Institute

Feb 8, 2023

Lord Beckett has been appointed as Chair of the Judicial Institute, with effect from 6 February.

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Coat of Arms Full With Blue Effect 09.02.17

Judicial Protocol extended to include Northern Ireland

Feb 6, 2023

The Judicial Protocol Regulating Direct Judicial Communications Between Scotland, and England and Wales, in Children’s Cases was first published in July 2018, following on from a series of meetings that took place between members of the Scottish and English judiciaries over 2017- 2018.

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Applications sought for office of Sheriff

Jan 23, 2023

The Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland (JABS) is now inviting applications from suitably qualified individuals who wish to be considered for appointment to the office of Sheriff.

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Craig Turnbull - provided by the SP.jpgwebsite

Judicial Appointments, Transfers and Retirement

Jan 19, 2023

His Majesty the King, on the recommendation of the First Minister, has made a number of judicial appointments, including the appointment of a new Senator of the College of Justice and three sheriffs principal.

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Court crest

Update to written direction on mutual corroboration

Dec 14, 2022

Practitioners may wish to note that the Jury Manual Committee has agreed an amendment to Part C of the Written Directions (directions which do not apply in all cases but can be used as appropriate).

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Preliminary Hearings Bench Book updated

Dec 8, 2022

Practitioners may wish to note that the Preliminary Hearings Bench Book has been updated as of 8 December. The latest update encompasses changes made in light of the justice provisions in the Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Act 2022.

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Plaque marks historic slavery case at Court of Session

Dec 6, 2022

A historic legal case which found that slavery was “not recognised” in Scots law has been commemorated in a plaque installed at the Court of Session in Edinburgh.

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Mace lying in court room

Scottish Civil Justice Council seeks new members

Nov 24, 2022

The Scottish Civil Justice Council (SCJC) is seeking new members.

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Sixteen new King's Counsel appointed

Oct 6, 2022

Sixteen new King’s Counsel have been appointed by His Majesty The King on the recommendation of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

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Opening of the Legal Year 2022

Sep 26, 2022

The Lord President, Lord Carloway, introduced the opening of the legal year today in the first full bench ceremony since the Covid-19 pandemic struck.

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Scottish Tribunals Annual Report 2021-22 published

Sep 23, 2022

The Lord President has today published the President of Scottish Tribunals’ fifth Annual Report.

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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Sep 8, 2022

The Lord President, Lord Carloway, has paid his respect to the Queen,

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WEB wig and book in court second

New sheriffs appointed

Sep 2, 2022

Her Majesty the Queen has appointed eleven new sheriffs to serve the sheriffdoms of Glasgow and Strathkelvin, Grampian, Highland and Islands, North Strathclyde, South Strathclyde, Dumfries and Galloway, and Tayside, Central and Fife.

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New Deputy Director now in post at Judicial Institute

Sep 1, 2022

Sheriff Adrian Cottam takes up post as Deputy Director of the Judicial Institute for Scotland from today (1 September).

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Senator appointment and Sheriff Principal recruitment

Aug 16, 2022

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WEB wig and book in court second

Event to explain the role of Sheriff Principal

Jul 25, 2022

An event explaining the role of a Sheriff Principal is set to take place next month.

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Courtroom at Inverness Justice Centre

Guidance on proceedings in the Sheriff Court

Jul 20, 2022

The Sheriffs Principal have issued new guidance for court users on proceedings in the Sheriff Courts. The guidance will supersede and replace the guidance which was issued by the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service on 25 April 2022.

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Edinburgh Sheriff Court

New guidance on child welfare hearings in the Sheriff Courts

Jul 13, 2022

Child welfare hearings should call in person in Sheriff Courts, according to new guidance produced by the Sheriffs Principal.

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